Spir Dynamics 97 12/6/92; Eph 1183 4/4/90; Rom 274





����� 1. The Greek word PLEROO means to fill up a deficiency. The deficiency in our lives is having no ability to understand spiritual phenomena. Being controlled by the Holy Spirit fills up the deficiency of knowledge of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age�our ignorance of doctrine. At salvation we are deficient of doctrine. This deficiency must be filled up by the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit

����� 2. PLEROO means to fully possess. The filling of the Holy Spirit inside the operational divine dynasphere and walking by of the Spirit means the Holy Spirit controls the soul of the believer rather than the sin nature.

���������� a. The power for the execution of the protocol plan of God is the filling of the Holy Spirit controlling your soul. The outside pressures of prosperity and adversity create stress in the soul, which is tantamount to the sin nature controlling the soul. We are either fully possessed by the filling of the Holy Spirit or by the sin nature.

���������� b. The filling of the Holy Spirit inside the operational divine dynasphere means the Holy Spirit is in control of the soul.

���������� c. You must have both the place and the power to execute God�s plan. The filling of the Holy Spirit is an absolute�you are either 100% filled with the Spirit or you are not.

���������� d. The believer must be fully possessed by the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine before he can be fully possessed by the blessings of maturity.

����� 3. PLEROO means to fill with a certain quality. The filling of the Holy Spirit inside the operational type divine dynasphere provides the use of God�s power�divine omnipotence, the enabling power of the Spirit instead of the use of human power and ability. God the Holy Spirit and Bible doctrine are the highest quality with which the believer can be filled.

����� 4. PLEROO means to fully influence. The filling of the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere provides motivation for consistent postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation and execution of the protocol plan of God. The believer is fully influenced by God the Holy Spirit when filled with the Spirit. He is also fully influenced by Bible doctrine as a mature believer, so that he can have capacity for blessing.



����� 1. PLEROO is used for the believer controlled by the Holy Spirit, Eph 5:18, �Stop being intoxicated with wine by which is dissipation [a lifestyle of self-absorption], but keep on being filled with the Spirit.� We have a deficiency when under sin. We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a synonym for spirituality.

���������� a. Most Christians are totally ignorant of spirituality, and confuse spirituality with spiritual advance. You can be carnal or spiritual as a baby believer, an adolescent believer, or a mature believer.

���������� b. The relative concept of the Christian way of life is the believer�s spiritual growth. The absolute concept of the Christian way of life is spirituality.

����� 2. PLEROO is used for the pastor communicating doctrine to his sheep. Col 1:25, �that I might fill up the deficiency of the Word of God.� All sheep have a deficiency of doctrine. The pastor�s job is to teach Bible doctrine to overcome this deficiency.

����� 3. In Rom 8:4 the word is used for the mature believer receiving the imputation of his escrow blessings. Eph 3:19, �that you might be filled up with all the fullness [divine blessing] from God.�

����� 4. PLEROO is used for the construction of the edification complex of the soul. The human spirit builds a building right up into the right lobe of the soul. Lk 2:40, the humanity of Christ had an edification complex of the soul, �becoming full of wisdom.� Col 1:9b, �that you might be filled up with the epignosis knowledge of His sovereign purpose by means of all wisdom and spiritual understanding.�

����� 5. PLEROO is used for perception of doctrine resulting in capacity for happiness in maturity, 1 Jn 1:4, �that your happiness might be fulfilled.�

����� 6. PLEROO is used for the priestly function of giving, Phil 4:18.

����� 7. PLEROO is used for the mature believer�s production of divine good, Phil 1:11; Rev 3:2.




� 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.All rights reserved.
